Sep 16, 2024

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Epidemic work: 8 to 10 cases of malaria-dengue daily increased the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases

Jamnagar and Devbhoomi Dwarka districts received heavy to very heavy rainfall during the last week. The rain has largely stopped for almost two days. At the same time, there is a picture of mosquito-borne and water-borne epidemics raising their heads in Halar. In Jamnagar-Devbhoomi, fever, cold, cough, malaria and dengue epidemics are on the rise. G.G. of Jamnagar. Seven to eight cases of malaria, eight to ten cases of dengue and an average of fifty to sixty-six cases of fever, cold and cough are being reported every day in the hospital. While private clinics and hospitals are also witnessing a huge queue of patients, especially after heavy rains, patients of mosquito-borne disease malaria are coming to the fore due to small and big flooding of water during this period. In Devbhoomi Dwarka district this year, meghraja has received good rainfall in Khambhaliya, Dwarka, Kalyanpur and Bhanwad panthaks during the last two rounds. More than 150 cases of diseases, including malaria, have been reported, including 153 cases of fever, one case of malaria and one case of typhoid, the sources said. During the month, 810 cases of fever, 09 cases of malaria, 03 cases of dengue and 06 cases of typhoid were reported. After heavy rains, precautionary measures are also being taken by the health system along with round-the-clock operations to ensure that public life does not fall into the grip of the epidemic. Dengue from Aedes mosquito bites, anopheles mosquito to spread malaria Malaria usually increases in dengue and malaria during the monsoon season every year. Dengue is spread by the bite of Aedes Egyptian female mosquitoes produced in rice-bound waters, while malaria can be spread by anopheles of the Anopheles type of chemi. That's what doctor experts are saying.

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