Meghraja has started a stormy batting in Karjan town of Vadodara. It has just started raining in Karjan city and rural areas. It is currently raining heavily in the panthic including Amod Road Padra Road. The forecast of the Meteorological Department and the rain has already started with it. Karjan has so far recorded 47.91 inches of rainfall of the season and once again it has started raining now. Several areas, including Amod Road and Padra Road, have been lashed by torrential rains. However, due to the rain, the road is also flooded at present. It has just started raining in Karjan city and rural areas. It is currently raining heavily in the panthic including Amod Road Padra Road. The forecast of the Meteorological Department and the rain has already started with it. Karjan has so far recorded 47.91 inches of rainfall of the season
Vadodara Heavy Rain | Meghraja resumes stormy batting in Karjan city, watch video
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